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Simone Genovesi is an Associate Professor in "Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione" at University of Pisa.

Simone Genovesi received the MSc in Telecommunications Engineering (summa cum laude) in 2003 and the PhD in “Ingegneria dell'Informazione” in 2007. In 2004 he was the recipient of a three-year grant provided by Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione “A. Faedo” (ISTI-CNR), National Research Council (CNR) in Pisa. Since 2006 he has been several times a Visiting Scholar at Electromagnetic Communication Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University. In 2010-2011 he has been an Associate Researcher at the Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystem (IMM), National Research Council (CNR) in Agrate Brianza (MI). During the period 2015-2017, he was several times a short-term Visiting Researcher at Grenoble Institute of Technology, Valence, France and at University Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona, Spain in the framework of the EU Marie-Curie Project EMERGENT devoted to the development of passive chipless RFID sensors.

Simone Genovesi is the Coordinator of the Additive Manufacturing Crosslab (Crosslab_Additive_Manufacturing) founded in the framework of the Departments of Excellence (“Dipartimenti di Eccellenza”) funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (“Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca”).